Who will emerge as the best vegetable restaurant in the world?

November 8-9, 2022, Barcelona, Forum Gastronomic

  • ‘The world's top vegetable chefs accept We're Smart World Awards during Forum Gastronomic in Barcelona
  • Launch of We're Smart Green Guide 2022
  • Announcement of the new top 10 We're Smart Best Vegetables Restaurants
  • Presentation of We're Smart Discovery Awards 
  • Presentation of We’re Smart Future Awards 
  • Cooking master classes with Five-Radish chefs René Mathieu, Rodrigo de la Calle and Emile van der Staak

Dear journalist,

We're Smart World, the indisputable reference in the culinary world of fruits and vegetables, will unveil the new #1 vegetable restaurant in the world on November 8! The prestigious award ceremony will take place this year during Forum Gastronomic, the gastronomic event of the year in Barcelona.

The We're Smart World Awards will once again be presented during a live show, with the world's best vegetable chefs coming to receive their awards in person. On that day, you will also find out which restaurants will be featured in the new We’re Smart Green Guide 2022, an influential culinary-gastronomic guide to vegetable restaurants.

Every year, We're Smart World awards a prize to restaurants and companies that advocate healthy, sustainable, innovative and ecological food. We cordially invite you to the award ceremony in Barcelona where Frank Fol, The Vegetables Chef® and driving force behind We’re Smart World, will announce the winners:

  • We’re Smart Green Guide 2022
  • We’re Smart Discovery Awards 2022
  • We’re Smart Plant-Based Untouchable 2022
  • We’re Smart Person of the Year 2022
  • We’re Smart Top 10 Best Vegetables Restaurants 2022
  • We’re Smart Future Awards 2022 


November 8-9, 2022 ​
Forum Gastronomic, Montjuïc Venue, Avda. Reina Maria Cristina s/n, 08004 Barcelona


We’re Smart World Awards, Tuesday, November 8 (Auditorio):

  • 10:30 AM Welcome 
  • 11:00 AM ​ Presentation of awards by Frank Fol and Ilse De Vis
  • 1:00 PM ​ Photo with the award winners 
  • 1:15 PM ​ Interview opportunities in the press room (continuously until 3 PM)
  • 1:15 PM ​ Cooking master class by Five-radish Chef René Mathieu, (La Distillerie, Luxembourg)
  • 2:00 PM ​ Reception
  • 3:00 PM ​ End ​ ​ 

Cooking master classes, Wednesday, November 9 (the Kitchen Theater):

*Presentations in English, Spanish and Catalan interpretation are provided.
*A press room is available.

Please confirm your attendance via weresmart@manley.eu.Would you like to schedule interviews with Frank Fol and/or the award winning chefs? Please indicate this as well.

Frank Fol, The Vegetables Chef®
Frank Fol, The Vegetables Chef®
“These past few years have been challenging for the hospitality industry, but We're Smart World brings a positive and hopeful message. A growing number of top chefs are giving vegetables a starring role in their menus in masterful ways! As an official partner of Forum Gastronomic, we have chosen the tasteful and beautiful setting of Barcelona this year to celebrate the best vegetable restaurants and companies in the world.” - Frank Fol, The Vegetables Chef® and founder of We’re Smart World

We hope to welcome you!


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Press contact:

Do you have questions or want to schedule interviews? Please feel free to contact

Saar Dietvorst

Saar Dietvorst

Press contact We're Smart®
Anne-Sophie Jonkers

Anne-Sophie Jonkers

Press contact We're Smart®


Om We're Smart®

Om We're Smart

We’re Smart er den ubestridte reference i den kulinariske verden, når det gælder frugt og grøntsager. Ideen er undfanget af Frank Fol, De Groentechef®, og man anerkender og fremmer mennesker, restauranter og organisationer, der betragter frugt og grøntsager som noget centralt i kosten. I den årlige kulinarisk-gastronomiske guide We’re Smart Green Guide finder du de bedste grøntsagsrestauranter i verden, klassificeret med fra 1 til 5 radiser. We’re Smart Awards belønner hvert år de bedste grøntsagsrestauranter og -organisationer. Og i We’re Smart Academy deler de bedste grøntsagskokke i verden deres viden med enhver, der har interesse for sund og økologisk kost. På denne måde giver We’re Smart® sit bidrag til en sund, bæredygtig og økologisk verden. We're Smart er af de belgiske myndigheder valgt som en af de officielle SDG-talsmænd, ambassadørerne for FN’s bæredygtige udviklingsmålsætninger. 

Find yderligere oplysninger om en sund og bedre verden på www.weresmartworld.com

Press file We're Smart


Moerasstraat 18 3320 Meldert-Hoegaarden Belgien